Friendship Southern Baptist Church


That your Joy may be Complete

His Grace abides in us, His Word Abides in us, His Joy abides in us, Our Joy can be Complete

Knowing God Through Worship

Fathers Cannot Do It Alone Walk with your brothers and sisters in Christ The Church is the body of Christ

Invest in Youth

Graduation Ceremony. Bibles and Bass Pro shop gift card given to Tiffany Tallent, Chris Poulos, Justin Tallent.

Know Your Destination

Jesse uses a train analogy to explain the destination of your life and soul

At the 10:45am service this day: After the first worship song was sung an adult Chris walked down the aisle and came to Christ. Emily Furr 10 yrs old was baptized by Pastor Jesse Watkins. Nash Frye was baptized by his father Kevin Frye. Josh and Jennifer were baptized by their father Jeremiah Yoder. Bobby Martin Jr was baptized by Pastor Jesse Watkins. Loree, Caleb, and Rebecca were baptized by their father Ricky Kepley. We also had one couple join the church Jeremy and Latrina Childress.

Micah Mariano

Leading Worship is Micah Mariano visiting from Texas for the Marriage Conference teamed with Ryan Dalgliesh

Pray Like Jesus

Your prayers don't have to be long. They can be short and sweet. You can pray to Jesus and God anywhere at anytime that you are. He is everywhere. Set aside time for God and build a relationship with him. Pray with your heart, he knows your desires before you ask so be truthful and clear. God says anything you ask in my name of my will I will give.

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