Friendship Southern Baptist Church


God's Plan to Save

Scripture declares that God will have mercy on whom he decides, and compassion on whom he decides. How is God just in this decision? We answer this question in the sermon from Romans chapter 9.

In Romans Chapter 9, Apostle Paul discusses the doctrine of election, using the story of Jacob and Esau to illustrate this point. What does God mean by saying, "Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated"? This sermon attempts to answer that question.

Even when man fails, God still succeeds. The Biblical narrative does not show the lineage of faithful heroes, but the story of a faithful God.

Jesus Wins

Jesus doesn't win in the end. He has already won now, and because of his victory we fight with a crown.

Unstoppable Glorification

What shall we say to these things? This is the response of the Apostle Paul towards the knowledge of God's unstoppable plan for the glorification of his name and of his children. In this message, we are again directed to the sovereignty of God in the salvation of his people, and his plan to create a new heaven and new earth.

When God Writes a Story

God has written a story, that reveals his love and his glory. In this sermon, we examine the sovereignty of God in the salvation of those who believe in him.

Hoping in the Spirit

The creation experiences futility because it is not yet redeemed. But what about God's people? Shouldn't God's people be experiencing prosperity since we are already redeemed. Listen for the reasons of suffering as we continue through Romans chapter 8.

God's Glory in Suffering

If God's purpose is glory, then why is there so much suffering?

Obligated to the Spirit

The Christian life is living according to the Spirit, not according to the flesh. How is this accomplished? In this sermon, find out why we as believers are obligated to live according to the Spirit.

Unlimited Blessings

How much from our finances should be given to the church? Are new testament Christians bound by the Old Covenant law? In this sermon, we examine what it means to live and worship under the covenant of grace.

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